3D Model / Quilling Potted roses with quilling technique Potted roses with quilling technique. We will create during the course at Io Creo artistic association
Quilling June 10, 2019 6 years Tagged earrings Quilling earrings Quilling earrings that will be made during the quilling course using border buddy on June 22nd at IO CREO Associazione Artistica
3D Model / Workshop May 22, 2019 6 years Quilling workshop Potted roses 8 June 2019 Potted roses with quilling technique A new quilling course is available at the IO CREO Association: potted roses. We will create delicate […]
Quilling May 10, 2019 6 years Butterfly in quilling Butterfly with quilling tecnique made during the course of quilling at Io creo Associazione artistica