Potted roses with quilling technique
Potted roses with quilling technique. We will create during the course at Io Creo artistic association
Potted roses with quilling technique. We will create during the course at Io Creo artistic association
Potted roses with quilling technique A new quilling course is available at the IO CREO Association: potted roses. We will create delicate […]
MAGNETS with quilling technique. Book your course at the Hobby show 2019 Saturday 23 February 2019 11.00 and 15.00 hours Sunday 24th […]
Fridge magnets are made with the quilling technique during the course at Io Creo Association in Rome
A little topiary and little cake made with quilling paper. There are waterfall again, the topiaries and quilling cakes I like so […]
A vase of flowers that I love to do: the topiary. Materials for the petals various strips of different colors with […]